πŸš€Getting Started

To get started with this protocol, you need two things.

  1. BTC on the protocol to pay the protocol fees

  2. Find something you want to do

Ok let me talk you through it

  1. Inside your wallet, send some amount of BTC to the bridging wallet TBA this is automatically indexed, and triggers a minting of protocol Bitcoin

  2. Check your BTC is inside the protocol on a token explorer. Links

  3. Now for the fun stuff, if you found your dapp, get the inscription text from it must start with { and end with }. Check out the Technical Details to see which operations are available on protocol level and how the inscription should look.

  4. Go to any inscription service, and inscribe the text to your wallet. Or the dapp allows directly inscribing on their page.

  5. After the transaction is included and you see the inscription in your wallet. Send it to your own wallet. This triggers the protocol to execute it

  6. After your transactions are finished you should see the new values on the dapp or in the transaction explorer Links

If you have questions or need help with anything, hop on the discord to talk to the community or team!

Last updated